Sustainability news
The EU’s Omnibus package is a serious letdown to government commitment on sustainability by failing to get the balance right between simplification…
We are delighted to announce that the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) has been approved as an ISEAL Community Member. Their knowledge of global…
ISEAL and AidEnvironment’s new whitepaper builds understanding and support for equity and livelihoods in seafood and beyond. It recommends realigning…
ISEAL has convened experts from 20 organisations to launch a new, collective position paper supporting sustainable landscapes, sparking positivity…
The sustainability landscape is evolving; sustainability challenges are increasingly prevalent, and new regulatory and reporting requirements are…
ISEAL is excited to announce that Accounting for Nature has been approved as an ISEAL Community Member. We look forward to working with them to…
Regulatory pressure is growing for companies to have more sustainable supply chains. Such rules have great potential. They could change the…
Chain of custody (CoC) and traceability are big news right now. But are we all speaking the same language?
We’re updating our CoC models and…
We are excited to kick off the future of assurance for sustainability systems training course on 13 November. Are you interested in learning about…
Decent work is one of the most challenging aspects in advancing social sustainability. Voluntary supply chain tools have long aimed to improve decent…
Since we published our guide for credible benchmarking in 2020, many new benchmarking initiatives have been developed and practical experience gained…
As subscribers of the Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP) know only too well, smallholder producers are at the sharp end of global supply…
The concept of living income is attracting interest globally. It is being increasingly recognised as an integral component in the UN Sustainable…
ISEAL signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Commercial Sub-Council (CCPIT-CSC),…
Addressing deforestation and land conversion within supply chains has never been more urgent, as businesses come under pressure to align their…
With the release of ISEAL’s Annual Review 2023, we reflect on the year’s most significant developments and achievements to support credible practices…
The ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium 2024 was a pivotal moment, defining solutions and challenges in making new legislation a force for good.…
ISEAL has appointed Monika Weber-Fahr as its new Board Chair.
Monika brings a breadth of experience in creating and sharing knowledge across global…
ISEAL is pleased to announce that International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) has been approved as an ISEAL Community Member. We…
ISEAL is excited to announce that Preferred by Nature has been approved as an ISEAL Community Member. We are excited to be able to bring their…
Thanks to donor support, the ISEAL Innovations Fund continues to support innovative projects until 2027
Amidst growing interest and attention on…
As the ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium approaches, we’re delighted to announce Richard Howitt, Strategic Advisor on Corporate Responsibility…
Over the past two years, ISEAL has convened a group of Landscape and Jurisdictional Approach (LJA) practitioners to investigate measurement and…
Sustainability challenges like deforestation, biodiversity loss, tenure insecurity and livelihood sustainability are beyond the capabilities of any…
Improving incomes of producers and their families is a priority for many sustainability systems and their partners - and to do that, reliable methods…
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) recently reached a landmark agreement on the definition and operationalisation of a living wage,…
The ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Sustainability Systems came into effect on 1 March 2024. It responds to changing demands in the sustainability…
As the world grapples with pressing environmental and social challenges, the importance of sustainable practices has never been clearer. …
Businesses and governments hold a vital stake in addressing adverse human rights impacts, but often struggle to act on remedy. Our new report shows…
To remain effective in the face of a fast-evolving landscape of emerging legislation and stronger calls for sustainability action, sustainability…