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There is growing demand for credible evidence on the impacts of sustainability standards and systems. Reliable evidence needs to be based on strong and credible research and data that supports transparency, innovation and learning. 

ISEAL has been at the forefront of the movement to ensure sustainability systems are backed by strong monitoring and evaluation systems that measure change. We’ve also had a long history of engaging with the research community to bring in insights from independent academic work in this field to support practice and policy. 

Evidensia now brings together the efforts of ISEAL and other organisations working to embed science-based evidence into practice. Launched in 2019 in partnership with WWF and Rainforest Alliance, Evidensia is a one stop shop for credible evidence on the impacts and effectiveness of sustainability systems and market-based tools. It also supports learning in the field through learning events, a regular newsletter and a rich collection of articles and blogs by leading researchers in the field. 

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