Giving workers a decent standard of living
The topic of living wage has exploded into public consciousness, from fast food workers in the US to global clothing companies in Bangladesh. A living wage allows a worker to afford a decent standard of living for his or her family, with a little extra “just in case." The legal minimum wage too often falls far short of this concept, leaving workers around the world in poverty.
Sustainability standards and similar systems define what is responsible practice, help operationalize complex concepts like living wage, and drive change in businesses. They work with several hundred brands, buyers and retailers that have a central role to play in wage discussions around the world. As such, sustainability systems have a lot to contribute to ongoing living wage discussions.
Collaboration for living wages
The Global Living Wage Coalition (‘GLWC’) is a unique knowledge-action partnership, bringing together sustainability systems, researchers, and others with the shared goal of increasing wages and enhancing quality of life for workers and their families worldwide.
The GLWC Action Network is a platform for living wage action, advocacy, and learning. It unites sustainability systems and other organisations in a position to implement and advocate for action on living wage.
The Anker Living Wage and Living Income Research Network produces high quality research to inform these actions, empower workers, and influence public policy.
All Coalition members recognise the need for a shared approach to defining and measuring living wage and for more coordination in living wage implementation efforts. They rely on the living wage estimates produced by the Anker Research Network, using methodologies developed by Richard Anker and Martha Anker, as the basis for their work.
Support the living wage work
ISEAL supports the on-going work of the coalition and hosts the Secretariat of the GLWC Action Network. ISEAL members Fairtrade International and Rainforest Alliance are members of the Action Network.
ISEAL and the coalition members welcome the participation of organisations that share their commitment to effective living wage action and see high quality research, practice-based learning, and collaborative action as essential ingredients for getting there.
For more information about the GLWC or how to join the Action Network or partner with the Research Network, contact:
GLWC general contact:
GLWC Action Network:
Anker Research Network: