A technical submission by ISEAL to EU policymakers on the EU Green Claims Directive: Ahead of the trilogue meetings, ISEAL is sharing its perspective and suggested amendments on the texts proposed by the European Commission, the Council, and the European Parliament.
This technical submission reiterates our longstanding support for the Commission's efforts to introduce more stringent regulations to tackle greenwashing, enabling consumers to make more informed purchasing decisions.
On 17 November 2021, the European Commission published its Proposal for a Regulation on Deforestation-free Products
(hereafter “the Proposal”). This position paper outlines how ISEAL believes this draft legislation should be adjusted to have a deeper impact on preventing deforestation.
(hereafter “the Proposal”). This position paper outlines how ISEAL believes this draft legislation should be adjusted to have a deeper impact on preventing deforestation.
In response to the EU proposal for a Green Claims Directive, this statement intends to go further in establishing robust credibility criteria, by promoting multistakeholder participation, and supporting clear pre-approval and verification processes for sustainability schemes.
This briefing note shares insights and learnings from a series of semi-structured interviews ISEAL conducted with fourteen leading, global companies engaged in living wage actions.