In 2018 we saw ISEAL’s membership increase as we welcomed four new associate members working in sectors from mining to marine ingredients, clearly reflecting the continued growth of sustainability standards in new sectors.
This year, the annual report features an infographic that highlights key achievements from 2018. It illustrates an increased focus on improvement and the innovative use of data and technology, as well as member collaborations to scale up their impacts and the innovation grants awarded to test new solutions.
As ISEAL continued to facilitate collaboration around living wage, living income and gender, our members were able to delve more deeply into these pressing sustainability issues. Crucially, ISEAL was able to support the increased data capacity within our members – a large part of this effort being the push to explore the application of geo-spatial data, through some of the grants awarded by the Innovations Fund.
There were also three significant reports released in 2018 that demonstrate the collective impact of sustainability standards. The reports investigate the effectiveness of standards in driving the adoption of sustainability practices; illustrate the systemic impacts of sustainability standards; and review the conservation impacts of voluntary sustainability standards.
If you would like to know more about ISEAL’s work in 2018, the annual report is now available online.