Framework for adapting and improving sustainability strategies

Framework for adapting and improving sustainability strategies

Global sustainability challenges are complex problems and determining the best strategies to bring about lasting improvements in sustainability performance remains a core challenge for sustainability systems. Many are increasingly experimenting with a wide range of strategies to reach their sustainability goals. However, the effectiveness of these strategies is highly dependent on the context in which they are applied. 

Based on input from a consultation with various stakeholders, ISEAL has developed a practical guide to support sustainability systems strengthen the effectiveness of their sustainability strategies. It provides a framework that summarises the steps that a sustainability system can take to understand the context in which it is operating and how that impacts its choice of strategies and partnerships.

Since complex systems are dynamic, this guide is structured around a learning feedback loop in which sustainability systems can assess how well their strategies are working and why, in order to both adapt and improve the effectiveness of those strategies and to communicate about the progress that is being made.  

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